The Essential Reference Guide to Direct Response Marketing

Are you a creative entrepreneur or business owner? Maybe both? If you’ve answered yes then your success is determined by your ability to sell what is that you’re offering.

This reference guide contains key insights from some of the worlds best direct response marketers. 99% of creative entrepreneurs and business owners fail, yet by reading this short guide you’ll position yourself in the 1% of creative entrepreneurs and business owners.


Click here to download The Essential Reference Guide to Direct Response Marketing

As a global society we are all over-communicated and overstimulated. Advertising and marketing signals have never before been as sophisticated as they are today, and as a result it has never been harder to get a prospect to buy.

What then is Direct Response Marketing? It’s a form of communication that directly reaches out communicates directly to another human, and asks for a response. Direct response marketing emphasizes a focus on the individual, data and measurable results.


Who am I? I’m simply a student of direct response marketing and behavioral psychology. I created this reference guide in an effort to transfer my hand-written notes to a digital format so I could easily access them on the go on my iPhone and my iPad, and I thought “what if I shared all of this insight from these direct response masters with anyone else who might be interested?”

Have fun and make sure to implement as much of this stuff as you can.



Learn Direct Response Marketing Strategies and Tactics Graham Clark Marketerjpg